Our History


The possibility of forming an independent church was the topic of discussion when a few people met with Pastor Steve on January 5, 2001. Pastor Steve stated that he still strongly desired to preach, but he had not yet received confirmation from God that it was His will.  They met again on January 8th and established a church name, Statement of Faith and Statement of Belief.

Selected people were invited to a meeting on January 11th to discuss the feasibility of forming an independent church.  Pastor Steve explained his vision for the church and the structure that he would implement.  He also informed us that he was leaving the next morning to work in Florida for eight weeks on a construction job.  He also requested that we be in constant prayer while he was gone concerning the future of our church, because without God's guidance and blessing we would surely fail.

Beginning January 14, seven people began having church at a home.  The number grew as people became aware that we were meeting.

During his time in Florida, we proceeded with many administrative items necessary to legally form a church:

          Rented a post office box                     2-5-01
          Articles of Incorporation approved      2-6-01
          Obtained an EIN #                              2-9-01
          Opened a checking account             2-13-01
          Rented a safety deposit box             2-15-01

It was decided that our church would be known as Radiant Life Ministry and was incorporated as a Nonprofit Religious Corporation under the laws of the State of Indiana on February 6, 2001
Our first formal worship service was held on March 18, 2001 in Delco Lodge at Sycamore Recreation Association with 57 adults and children present.  Pastor Steve preached the morning message based on his expectations for our future ministry.

Our purpose is to glorify our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and we will strive to reach the lost through the preaching of the undiluted Word of God.

Our services are open to all and we endeavor to show others the love of Christ by sharing our life experiences and inviting them to accept Christ as their Savior and Lord.

At our inception, committed to tithe to missions. We support several mission projects, both local and foreign, on a monthly basis.

A constitution was adopted on September 1, 2001 by the Spiritual Life Committee.
We began offering nursery care, a preschool (4-5-K) SS class and Junior Church (grades 1-5) during our October 14th Sunday morning worship service.

When we became aware that the Delco Park property was for sale, we made an offer; however, our bid was not accepted.

We began leasing part of the Fortune Avenue Building at the southwest corner of Lincoln and Albright roads and our first service there was on October 6, 2002.  One week before Christmas 2005, we were given 30 days notice to vacate the Fortune Avenue Building because they had other plans for the space.

We then began renting Rozzi's Continental Ballroom at 920 Millbrook Lane for Sunday morning worship services.

During the next two years, our church committee researched numerous locations that were for sale and most of them were far beyond our means.  A local realtor who knew we were diligently searching for a location to purchase called Pastor Steve about an existing church building that was for sale at 1602 E. Gano St.  After much prayer and several meetings, the sellers accepted an offer of $165,000 and God allowed us to purchase the property debt-free.  The closing was held on May 30, 2008 and the first Sunday in our new home was June 8, 2008.

In November of 2018, Pastor Steve Pearce formally announced his retirement from Radiant Life Ministry and our Assistant Pastor, Mike Young was chosen to fill the role of Senior Pastor.

We remain an independent, autonomous, holiness church that acknowledges only the Lord Jesus Christ as its Head; the Holy Scriptures as the only infallible guide in matters of life, faith, discipline and order; and the Holy Spirit as its Teacher.

Our purpose is to glorify our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, through the edification of Christians teaching the Word of God; through worldwide proclamation of the Gospel; and through the ministering of people's spiritual, physical, mental, emotional and/or financial needs, emphasizing total obedience to the commands and will of God.

Pastor Mike Young continues to preach the undiluted Word of God each Sunday morning.  If you do not have a church home, we invite you to become part of our church family as we endeavor to "build God's kingdom".